Water is more ... It even has a memory

Water is more ... It even has a memory
The water - the source of life for the human body!

What happens to the water, happens soon the people, because water stores information. The human body is 75 % of water. Water is the only food, for which there is no substitute.Abwasser 300x300 Wasser speichert Information

Where there is a lack, man dies. Where it is sick, ill man. Thereby, that man maltreated and plundered the earth and nature, was and continues to be uncontrolled and the source of life, polluted that water - water stores information
What can you do? Wasser speichert Information
As in biophysics and biophoton total it is also the subject of water, especially to energy and information, d.h. to raise awareness, and i.e.. turn to the degree of coherence of Biophotonenfeldes and the related behavior of water molecules.

Trinkwasser, in its purest form, is the most important component of our body and no other liquid substitutable. When choosing a drinking water filter system is crucial, which quality has the food water after filtering! Not only the biochemical component, but certainly also the biophysical component is extremely important - otherwise runs the filtering of pollutants in emptiness, because water stores information!

Read also: http://wasserklinik.com/zellwasser-dessen-qualitaet-und-ordnung-teil-1/

Wasser speichert Information
In that moment, in the leaking water from its source, it is absolutely rein and has no other informations, than his original structure. Natural spring water is vital and energetic. It has a particularly soft and mild taste and his original conductivities, that lead to, that is floating free minerals located. This information the water never forgets, not even then, it passes through environmental influences changed in its structure, by additives contaminated or disinfected becomes. Through these influences, it takes a different flavor, other solution properties, and another of Schwemmkraft.

The cases of drinking water alarm piling up, almost weekly report the media about the contamination of surfaces- and groundwater by faecal bacteria, Bacteria and viruses. For out of the faucet is now not only "drinking water", but with him more frequently undesired accompanying substances: Pestizide, Nitrate, estrogens, Schwermetalle, radioaktive Substanzen, Gene fragments, Parasiten, germs, Bacteria and viruses, Arzneimittelrückstände, Remnants of pesticides such. B. DDT, and much more….

"The pharmacy in the faucet", wrote the Southgerman newspaper (16.6.1998) More than 100 Drugs and their metabolites were not only in high concentrations in to- and processes of wastewater treatment plants, but also in the surfaces- and groundwater found, Thus then detected in drinking water .... Two thirds of the water samples in the Rhine-Main area were contaminated with drug residues. More on this, im Wasserklinik TV

Ocean waves radiate high energy forces, refresh the soul and person
The Earth is a water planet. 70% the surface is covered with water, which only 3% Freshwater (2% frozen in glaciers) are and can be used as drinking water. From the waters of the earth water rises as vapor into the atmosphere.

In cooler regions, it is condensed and falls down as a precipitate (natural water cycle). The water absorbs carbon dioxide, Ammonia and other gases, which are soluble.

While it cleans the atmosphere of dust particles and impurities, but these components of water cause, that the water is acidic and aggressive. By acid rain microorganisms are damaged and the floors overacidified.

When acidic water penetrates the soil, it dissolves toxic elements, from the over-fertilization by the agricultural industry, which flooded into the groundwater and thus into drinking water. In this way, drinking water wells are contaminated.

Large parts of the groundwater are contaminated by eutrophication. Especially the manure from factory farms pollutes the groundwater with nitrates. Soon it will probably be gene residues, which are not biodegradable.

Schutz vor chemischen Chlor-Verbindungen, Pestiziden, Schwermetallen, Keimen, Bakterien, Parasiten, Viren, Medikamenten-Rückständen u.v.m.! Reinstes Trinkwasser in "Quellwasser Qualität"!
Protection against chemical chlorine compounds, Pestiziden, heavy metals, Germinate, Bakterien, Parasiten, Viren, Drug residues u.v.m.! Pure Drinking Water in "Source water quality"!

The self-cleaning capacity of the water circuit is due to the many impurities of the metal- chemical- the pharmaceutical and the Agricultural Industry, completely overwhelmed and the water stores information, also the harmful information. The water in nature has no chance, under its own power to healthy. Wasser speichert Information, the life information of the plant, Animals and man - we are born in the water.

But how is sick water, with industrial toxins contaminated water, get healthy creatures, which consist of three quarters water?
Water has a memory - Water stores information
Until now it was believed, that all functions of the body would be controlled by the combination of substances dissolved in water. The water itself no other function was attributed. since 50 Years we are from the advertising of life- and pharmaceutical industries steered, thus have the importance of water completely displaced and with fatal consequences for our health.

We have forgotten how, right to drink and confused, thanks to the advertising of life- and pharmaceutical industries, Thirst with appetite! Durst is the cry of the body, according WATER! Water, however, is in the human body more than a means of transport and that it performs vital substances to and directs pollutants and environmental- Food- beverages and tobacco poisons from.

Water stores information and health value, the healing effects of drinking water depends not only on the pollutant freedom (by drinking water filter systems) extremely of its energy quality (Structure of water molecules) and its ability, to store information, from.

The decisive factor is the structure of water and its information- and energy content. Pure spring water has a crystalline structure and is important for the penetration of the cell membrane, to minerals and vitamins to transport into the cell, then to bind pollutants and auszuleiten.

Read about this topic, Wasser speichert Information, also: Cell water - the quality and order

The order and water metabolism in the living cell are connected. We recognize, for example, it, that the nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy normal and tumor tissues differ from each other can, because cancer tissue has a substantially higher water content.

In addition, the time span in tumor cells, unlike normal cells, in which the excited nuclear spin states give their energy to a surrounding grid, increases. This can only be explained by a reduced order of the cell water in tumor tissue.

The better the water quality, be ordered state, the less it absorbs UV light. The livelier, each coherent, the structure of water, the more lively is his Biophotons- Exchange with its environment, such as. the organic cells, swimming in the water.

Wasser speichert Information, It has something of a memory, d. h. it can store and release information. So contaminants in the water may also still have a negative effect on people, if the pollutants themselves in (stock) are no longer included and verifiably. The water has received the information, and they act on the functions of the cells in our body.

Much like in homeopathy, the information is not tied to the material substance, but on the vibration pattern, which sends the substance. Expressed differently, it is crucial not only to clean the "drinking water" and free of contaminants but, it is to withdraw essential pollutant information to the water and then re-check it - to restructure. This happens, as it occurs in nature, by whirling of water - as Water dynamics known.

Water stores information - research:
Recent research, water stores information, spiegeln wieder was bereits von Wasserforschern und Nobelpreisträgern, wie Dr. Alexis Carell und dem Nobelpreisträger Erwin Schrödinger nachgewiesen wurde: “Der Mensch ist darauf angewiesen, Ordnung von Außen aufzunehmen” Das geschieht vor allem über das Trinkwasser!

Herr Dr. Carell schreibt in seinem Buch “Die Zelle lebt länger”! “Das Wasser kann selbst noch Informationen speichern, wenn deren Ursprung gar nicht mehr materiell vorhanden (nachweisbar) ist.”

For the Nobel laureate and water researcher Dr. Carell is the quality of water in our bodies, für den Erhalt der Zellen verantwortlich! Das heißt, je höher die Qualität des Trinkwassers, je größer die geometrische Ordnung seiner Cluster-Moleküle, the better it can eliminate metabolic radicals and supply the cells with life information!

Dieses Trinkwasser, auch als dynamisiertes, Known animate or crystalline water and called, ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes LEBENswasser! Our cells in the body consist of approx. 75% of water (intracellularly) and their habitat (extracellular) also consists of water, its purity and quality a matter of life and ..... the cell!